Locrian – End Terrain

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Yesterday Locrian released their new full lengt album End Terrain. It’s a concepts album that:

unveils a vision of a future Earth ravaged by waste, a landscape where despair and hope clash in a symphony of chaos and beauty.

Locrian’s chaotic and experimental metal/drone/doom creates intense soundscapes that is both calm, collected and at times uneasy to listen to.

My favourite track from this album is at the moment ´Excarnate Light’

Recorded and mixed by J. Robbins at Magpie Cage.
Mastered by Brad Boatright at Audiosiege.
Artwork provided by Chris Dorland (”Untitled Skinwalker”).
Design by Chimere Noire.

Guitarist André Foisy, drummer/electronics performer Steven Hess and vocalist/synthesist Terence Hannum has made another great album!

More Locrian:
Bandcamp: https://locrian.bandcamp.com

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