Monsters of Rock – Stockholm 9/7-2016

posted in: Music | 1


Well what can I say, or write, without sounding too negative? ”N.I.B” was great, Black Sabbath did what they could given their age and capability and Bombus did what they could with shitty sound, but then there was the ’middle-acts’…

I think I’m going to start from the beginning.

I went solely to see Black Sabbath one last time, so the other bands was merely fillers until the Allfathers of heavy metal, who started it all back in 1968 in Birmingham, entered the stage.


Bombus, which I find to be an excellent band, managed regardless of real shitty sound to radiate some good vibes and energy back to the back rows of Friends Arena. I enjoyed their gig a great deal actually.

Rival Sons

I’ve seen Rival Sons before and sadly they where just as boring as last time around. It could be because I generally do not listen to that kind of music.


I totally lost intrest in Volbeat when their second album came out and my interest did not awaken during this concert… almost every song they have sounds exactly the same and has the same build-ups. My boyfriend who has not listened to Volbeat more than what has been played on the radio here in Sweden, which isn’t much haha, asked me half way though if they hadn’t already played that song we were listening to! I was halfway asleep at that moment… Sadly gluten-free beer was not to be found at the arena, and you had to go outside to get anything stronger than a ’folköl’, so getting drunk was not an option.

That said I DO like some of the songs from the first two albums and one of them is this one:

After all this pulling teeth the main act was about to enter the stage.

Black Sabbath

I’m not going to say too much, Ozzy was alive on stage, did his small stunts and so on but his vocal performance was not so good, but I wasn’t expecting a young Ozzy from the 60-70’s to be on stage, I expected what I’ve got. Geezer Butler, my bass-hero, delivered without making much of a fuzz, he pretty much stood at his side of the stage and delivered what he does best. Tony Iommy also did his job pretty well, so overall I would give this concert an average score, not good and not bad, but it had its highlights which almost over shines the really bad rendition of Dirty Woman.

A perfect night would have been Bombus as warm-up and then just Black Sabbath.

The End.


1. Intro/Black Sabbath

2. Faeries Wear Boots

3. After forever

4. Into the Void

5. Snowblind

6. War Pigs

7. Behind the Wall of Sleep

8. N.I.B

9. Hand of Doom

10. Rat Salad/Drum solo

11. Iron Man

12. Dirty Woman

13. Children of the Grave

14. Paranoid

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