Music Discoveries – Week 7

posted in: Music | 1

Week 7 was a really slow week for new music discoveries. But the one discovery I did make this week was one hell of a discovery!!!

Light Bearer

As soon as I heard this album it immediately landed a spot on my vacant album of the year list. The band resides in the UK and is a concept post hardcore band.

The band play a mixture of melodic post hardcore, progressive metal, post rock and ambient atmospheric drone, The songs are structured specifically to follow the narrative and therefore peak and trough in equal measure, mixing screamed desperate vocals with sung passages.

Quote from:

I think the whole concept of the bands songwriting and their ideologies are fascinating, I do understand that not all will appreciate this, but I as a non-religious and open-minded individual in a world that needs more tolerance and understanding, I find it interesting. The lyrics can be hard to grasp, but they are really well written and you should take the time to read them trough.

Musically this is just great, lots of atmosphere, nice melodies. Gritty, rough, serene and beautiful all at once! The drumming stands out on this record and I find myself mesmerized to it over and over! The vocal is mostly a rough raspy hardcore screaming, a style that can be very tiring to listen to for long (in my ears at least), but it works great here and is mixed nicely into the music. In ’Matriarch’ some of the lyrics are sung in a nice clean vocal.

To pick a favourite song is hard, but ’Beautiful is this burden’, ’Matriarch’ and Aggressor and Usurper’ each stands out in each their own way with great soundscapes, with long passages of beautiful melodies.

Enough said about this great album, now go and take a listen and make up your own mind about it:

More Light Bearer here:

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